It is obligatory for people who sell, buy, produce, import and fly UASs that has MTOW 500 gr or more to perform registration in this system
1 To register UAS
People and commercial establishments that are liable to register UAS should be registered to the system in the first place. In accordance with the relevant legislation, information on the vehicle sold and identity information of the buyers should be entered into the system by the selling company on the same day while the vehicles that are brought individually from overseas, imported or transferred within the country should be entered into the system within no longer than three days (see Law no. 2920-Article 144)
2 To fly a UAS
It is obligatory for pilots who intend to fly an UAS that weighs 500 gr or more on Turkish air space to be registered to the system and receive approval from the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (see SHT-IHA). The people who intend to fly UAS should be registered into the system firstly.
3 To get flying permission
Serbest bölge (yeşil) dışında kalan tüm bölgelerde, İHA uçurmak için uçuş izni alınması zorunludur. Uçuş izni almak isteyenlerin öncelikle sisteme kayıt olmaları gerekmektedir.